========================================================================= ========================================================================= Quick Restart Version 2.00 ========================================================================= ========================================================================= 1) INSTRUCTIONS ON USING QUICK RESTART ======================================= A) Please power off the system only after a complete save is done and after you hear the beep and you are asked to power off/reset the system. If you hurry to power off/reset the system in the middle of a hotkey save operation, it can result in total loss of system state/data. Quick Restart is only a convenience tool that saves the complete state of your system when you are ready to power off the system. It will not save your system from power outages or power failures. B) Quick Restart can be used in the middle of any program. However, it is not advisable to use it in the following situations: - When a communications program is doing a file transfer or has established session with remote a end, the remote end could time out before you restore the system state. - It is not advisable to use Quick Restart when logged onto a local area network, as after power-up previous network connection may be lost. - When a printing operation is taking place and you reset the computer to restore the previous state, or during a save/restore time lapse, the printer could get reset or timed out. So any printing operation interrupted in the middle may not continue correctly afterwards. 2) ALWAYS KEEP QUICK RESTART SYSTEM FILES HIDDEN ================================================ Quick Restart stores its information in QRESTART.CFG, QRESTART.IMG and QRESTART.PTR files on the root drive of your computer. Never change the attributes of these files or tamper with them. You must always keep the QRESTART.CFG and QRESTART.IMG, QRESTART.PTR files as hidden system files. These files must be kept system hidden and readonly, so that they will not be relocated or moved from their positions by any disk defragmenter/other utility program. 3) SOUND / VIDEO CARD DRIVER FIXES: ----------------------------------- If your sound card or video card has any problems when working with Quick Restart after a shutdown and restore operation, you must contact the Sound / Video card supplier for updated drivers that work with Quick Restart. Typical video card driver problems would be blank or black cursors, font/color changes after a restore etc., which are taken care of by a fix/patch from the Video card vendor. If you do not get the Sound card / audio working properly after a restore operation, then it means your sound card drivers need a fix which should be available from your sound card vendor. PowerPro maintains a list of new updated drivers wherever possible when the vendors or chipset developers provide us permission to post the drivers with Quick Restart fixes on our website. This site includes both video and sound card driver fixes to work with Quick Restart. It is accessible through the PowerPro website at http://www.power-pro.com. 4) TECHNICAL SUPPORT / PRODUCT UPGRADE INFORMATION =================================================== Our email address for feedback/suggestions is QRESTART @ POWER-PRO.COM. For technical support please direct them to TECHSUPPORT@POWER-PRO.COM. Please visit our world wide web site at http://www.power-pro.com for latest product upgrade information. Technical support is available through world wide web services and email to TECHSUPPORT@POWER-PRO.COM only and you must be a registered customer to recieve technical support. *----------------------------- E N D --------------------------------------*